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千葉大バナー JSTバナー JICAバナー



Conference Papers

D. Calderon, T. Sekiguchi and S. Nakai, Estimation of the Characteristics of Surface Wave Propagation Using Arrays of Seismometers, Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - from Case History to Practice, CRC Press, pp. 409-412, 2009.


Peer Reviewed Papers

越村俊一, 萱場真太郎, 1993年北海道南西沖地震津波の家屋被害の再考 -津波被害関数の構築に向けて- , 日本地震工学会論文集, 第10巻, 第3号, 88-101, 2010. 8. PDF
越村俊一,今村文彦, 2010年チリ沖地震津波の数値解析と人口統計データに基づく被災地の探索, 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) Vol. 66, No.1, 1356-1360, 2010.10.
庄司学,谷裕典, 2006年ジャワ島南西沖地震津波における家屋被害の検証, 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) Vol. 66, No. 1, 286-290, 2010. 11. PDF
松崎志津子,山崎文雄,ミゲル・エストラ−ダ,カルロス・サバラ, QuickBird衛星画像を用いた2007年ペルー・ピスコ地震の建物被害把握, 地域安全学会論文集 N0.13, 407-413,2010.11. PDF
丸山喜久,松崎志津子,山崎文雄,三浦弘之,Miguel ESTRADA, 2010年チリ地震に関する広域被害分析に向けたGISの構築, 土木学会論文集A1,Vol.66,No.1,377-385, 2010.12. PDF

Invited Papers and Presentations

Pulido, N., 2010年チリ地震の震源過程と地震動の特性, 土木学会地震工学委員会・海岸工学委員会共催, 講演会, 招待講演, 2010.6. PDF
Fumio Yamazaki, "Recent Advancements in Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technology and Its Implementation in Japan", Lima, Peru, 2010. 9.
Pulido, N., 2010年2月27日のチリ地震と地震動の特徴, 土木学会全国大会,研究討論会,招待講演,2010.9. PDF
Shoichi Nakai, "A Role of Surface Ground Irreguralities in Earthquake Hazard Evaluation", 1st International Symposium "Advancements in Earthquake Engineering, Prevention and Disaster Mitigation", Tacna, Peru, 2010.12. PDF


Conference Papers

Bruno Adriano, Shunichi Koshimura, and Yushiro Fujii: Validation of Tsunami Inundation Modelling for the June 23, 2001 Peru Earthquake, Bulletin of BRI, 2010
Nelson Pulido, Hernando Tavera, Zenon Aguilar, Shoichi Nakai and Fumio Yamazaki, "Estimation of the Seismic Hazard for the Lima Metropolitan Region: Earthquake Scenarios and Strong Motion Simulation", XV Congreso Peruano de Geologia. Resumenes Extendidos., Sociedad Geologica del Peru, Pub. Esp. N°9, Cusco pp. 1226-1228, 2010. PDF
Shoichi Nakai, Fumio Yamazaki, Carlos Zavala, Zenon Aguilar, Shun'ichi Koshimura, Taiki Saito and Saburoh Midorikawa, "Enhancement of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technology in Peru: A SATREPS Project", XV Congreso Peruano de Geologia. Resumenes Extendidos., Sociedad Geologica del Peru, Pub. Esp. N°9, Cusco pp. 1222-1223, 2010. PDF
Fumio Yamazaki, Carlos Zavala, Shoichi Nakai, Shunichi Koshimura, Taiki Saito, Saburo Midorikawa: "Enhancement of earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation technology in Peru: A SATREPS project", 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.3. PDF
翠川三郎, 三浦弘之, 守田正志: 2010年チリ・マウレ地震の強震記録について, 地域安全学会梗概集, No.26, pp.11-12, 2010.06.
C. H. Cuadra, T. Saito, C. A. Zavala, and M. A. Diaz, "The challenges of protect historical adobe constructions in Peru", 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper Number 392, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2010.8. PDF
Pulido N., Near-Source Strong Ground Motion Characteristics of the Chile Mega-Earthquake, 土木学会 地震工学委員会 地震被害調査研究小委員会 主催 第3回近年の国内外で発生した大地震の記録と課題に関するシンポジウム,2010.11.
Pulido N. , Y. Yagi , N. Nishimura and H. Kumagai, Source rupture process and strong motion simulation of the Mw8.8, 2010 Chile Mega earthquake. Abstracts of the Fall meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, B11-07, 2010.11.
丸山喜久,山崎文雄,三浦弘之,松崎志津子,Miguel Estrada: 2010年チリ地震・津波災害の現地調査 −広域被害把握に向けたGISの構築−, 第13 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, CD-ROM, pp. 1138-1145, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
斉藤大樹,河野 進,楠 浩一,金 裕錫,松井智哉,谷 昌典,日比野陽,Carlos Zavala,Patricia Gibu, 2010 年チリ地震・津波災害の現地調査―建物被害調査と被害要因の分析―, 第13 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp. 1111-1118, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
越村俊一,松岡昌志,松山昌史,吉井匠,Erick Mas,Cesar Jimenez,山崎文雄, 2010 年チリ地震・津波災害の現地調査−津波来襲状況および建物被害状況について−, 第13 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp. 1131-1137, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
関口 徹,ネルソンプリード,庄司 学,Jorge ALVA,Fernando LAZARES,斉藤大樹, 2010年チリ地震・津波災害の現地調査−強震観測点とその周辺における地震動と地盤特性−, 第13回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp. 1090-1094, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
谷裕典,庄司学,越村俊一,Miguel Estrada, 2001 年ペルー南部地震津波における家屋被害の分析, 第13 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp. 829-836, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
山崎文雄,中井正一,越村俊一,斉藤大樹,翠川三郎,Carlos Zavala,Zenon Aguilar,Miguel Estrada, JST-JICA 地球規模課題「ペルーにおける地震・津波減災技術の向上に関する研究」の開始, 第13 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp. 683-690, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.11. PDF
Shizuko Matsuzaki, Fumio Yamazaki, Miguel Estrada, and Carlos Zavala, "Visual Damage Interpretation of Buildings Using QuickBird Images Following the 2007 Peru Earthquake", The 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010. 12. PDF
Masashi Matsuoka, and Shunichi Koshimura, "Estimation of Damage Areas due to the 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake Tsunami Using ASTER/DEM and ALOS/PALSAR Images", The 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010. 12. PDF
Y. Maruyama, F. Yamazaki, S. Matsuzaki, H. Miura, M. Estrada, "Development of Building Damage and Tsunami Inundation GIS Dataset following the 2010 Chile Earthquake", The 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010. 12. PDF
F. Yamazaki, S. Nakai, S. Koshimura, T. Saito, S. Midorikawa, C. Zavala, Z. Aguilar, M. Estrada, "JST-JICA Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Peru", The 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010. 12. PDF


Technical Reports

山崎文雄, JST-JICA 地球規模課題「ペルーにおける地震・津波減災技術の向上に関する研究」の紹介, 地域安全学会ニューズレター, 2010.8, Vol. 72, pp. 35-39. PDF
越村俊一, 2010年チリ地震津波の数値解析による津波被災地の探索と被害の特徴, 建築防災, 2010.10, pp. 39-47. PDF
山崎文雄, JST-JICA 地球規模課題チームによる現地被害調査―その1 研究概要と広域被害把握―, 建築防災, 2010.10, pp. 27-32. PDF
斉藤大樹, 楠浩一, JST-JICA 地球規模課題チームによる現地被害調査―その2 建築物の被害, 建築防災, 2010.10, pp. 33-38. PDF
山崎文雄,丸山喜久,三浦弘之,松崎志津子,Miguel ESTRADA, 2010年チリ地震における現地調査と衛星画像による広域被害把握, 2006年〜2010年に発生した国内外の地震被害報告書,2010年2月27日チリ地震報告書,レポート4,土木学会,2010. 11. PDF
Nelson Pulido, Toru Sekiguchi, Gaku Shoji, Jorge Alba, Fernando Lazares, and Taiki Saito, Earthquake Source Process and Strong Ground Motions of the 2010 Chile Mega-Earthquake, 2006年〜2010年に発生した国内外の地震被害報告書,2010年2月27日チリ地震報告書,レポート1,土木学会,2010.11. PDF
Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa MAaruyama, Hiroyuki Miura, Shizuko Matsuzaki and Miguel Estrada, "Development of Spatial Information Database of Building Damage and Tsunami Inundation Areas following the 2010 Chile Earthquake", JST-JICAチリ地震報告書, Japan, 2010.12. pp. 41 - 48. PDF
Taiki Saito, Susumu Kono, Koichi Kusunoki, Yousok Kim, Tomoya Matsui, Masanori Tani, Yo Hibino, Carlos Zavala and Patricia Gibu, "Building Damage Investigation of the 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster", JST-JICAチリ地震報告書, Japan, 2010.12., pp. 32 - 40. PDF
Gaku Shoji, Nelson Pulido, Toru Sekiguchi, Jorge Alva, Fernando Lazares and Taiki Saito, "Damage Investigation of the 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami - Consideration to the Damage of a Structure subjected to a Seismic Excitation and a Following Tsunami Wave Load -", JST-JICAチリ地震報告書, Japan, 2010.12., pp. 27 - 31. PDF
Shunichi Koshimura, Masashi Matsuoka, Masafumi Matsuyama, Takumi Yoshii, Erick Mas, Cesar Jimenez and Fumio Yamazaki, "Field survey of the 2010 tsunami in Chile", JST-JICAチリ地震報告書, Japan, 2010.12., pp. 10 - 26. PDF
Nelson Pulido, Toru Sekiguchi, Gaku Shoji, Jorge Alba, Fernando Lazares, and Taiki Saito, "Earthquake Source Process and Site effects of Strong Motion stations of the 2010 Chile Mega-Earthquake", JST-JICAチリ地震報告書, Japan, 2010.12., pp. 1 - 9. PDF
JST-JICA SATREPS Peru Project Chile Earthquake Reconnaissance Team, 2010.12 PDF



Peer Reviewed Papers

Diana Calderon, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Toru Sekiguchi and Shoichi Nakai: Estimation of Deep Soil Profiles in Lima Peru, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 5, pp. 618-627, 2011.7. PDF
吉井 匠, 今村正裕, 松山昌史, 越村俊一, 松岡昌志, Eric Mas, Cesar Jimenez, 土壌中の化学成分を用いた津波浸水域の調査方法, 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学), Vol. 67, No.1, pp.49-62, 2011. 8.
吉井 匠, 松山昌史, 今村正裕, 越村俊一, 松岡昌志, Erick Mas, Cesar Jimenez, 土壌の簡易化学分析による津波浸水域調査, 土木学会論文集 B2, Vol. 67, I 1316-I 1320, 2011. 11.
Pulido N., Y. Yagi, H. Kumagai, and N. Nishimura: Rupture process and coseismic deformations of the February 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile, Earth, Planets and Space, 63, 955-959, 2011.12. PDF

Invited Papers and Presentations

山崎文雄: ペルーにおける地震・津波減災技術の向上に関する研究, 環境科学会誌 24(6), pp.605-6011, 2011.11. PDF


Conference Papers

Sheila Yauri, Yushiro Fujii, Bun'ichiro Shibazaki, Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Central Coast of Peru using Numerical Simulations for the 1974, 1966 and 1746 Earthquakes, Bulletin of BRI, 2011
Hideaki Yanagisawa, Shunichi Koshimura, Yuji Yagi, Yushiro Fujii, Gaku Shoji, and Cesar Jimenez, The Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment in Peru using the Index of Potential Tsunami Exposure, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 18-12, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Cesar Jimenez, Bruno Adriano, Shunichi Koshimura, and Yushiro Fujii, The Tsunami of Camana, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.18-140, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Shunichi Koshimura, Masashi Matsuoka, Masafumi Matsuyama, Takumi Yoshii, Erick Mas, Cesar Jimenez, and Fumio Yamazaki, Field Survey of the 2010 Tsunami in Chile, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 18-108, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Adriano, B., Koshimura, S., Fujii. Y., Validation of Tsunami Inundation Modeling for the June 23, 2001 Peru Earthquake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.18-160, Tokyo, 2011.3
Diana Calderon, Toru Sekiguchi, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares, and Sshoichi Nakai, Dynamic Characteristics of the Surface Soils in Lima, Peru, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 02-205, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Toru Sekiguchi, Nelson Pulido, Gaku Shoji, Jorge Alba, and Fernando. Lazares, Strong Ground Motions and Site Effects of the 2010 Chile Earthquake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.15-176, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Yoshihisa Maruyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Shizuko Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Miura, and Miguel Estrada, Building Damage and Tsunami Inundation GIS Datasets after the 2010 Chile Earthquake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 15-071, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Miguel Estrada, Hiroyuki Miura, Fumio Yamazaki, and Saburo Midorikawa, Land Use Evaluation Using Satellite Imagery for Urban Inventories, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 14-181, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Carlos Zavala, Zenon Aguilar, and Miguel Estrada, Evaluation of SRSND Simulator Againts Fragility Curves for Pisco Quake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 12-179, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Saburoh Midorikawa and Hiroyuki Miura, Strong Motion Record Observed at Concepcion during the 2010 Chile Earthquake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 01-112, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Carlos Cuadra, Carlos Zavala, Akio Abe, Taiki Saito, and Shunsuke Sugano, Vibration Characteristics of Traditional Adobe-quincha Buildings Located at Lima Historic Centre, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 07-040, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Luis A. Bedrinana and Taiki Saito: Seismic Risk and Damage Cost Analysis of Mid-rise Base Isolated Buildings in Peru, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 12-259, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
Taiki Saito, Susumu Kono, Koichi Kusunoki, Yousok Kim, Tomoya Matsui, Masanori Tani, Yo Hibino, Carlos Zavala, and Patricia Gibu: Damage Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings at the 2010 Chile Earthquake, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 04-077, Tokyo, 2011.3 PDF
S. Koshimura, M. Matsuoka, M. Matsuyama, Y. Takumi, E. Mas, C. Jimenez, F. Yamazaki, Field Survey of the 2010 Tsunami in Chile, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, pp.1547-1558, Tokyo, 2011.3
Nelson Pulido, Hernaldo Tavera, Zenon Aguilar, Shoichi Nakai, and Fumio Yamazaki, Strong motion simulation of the 2007/9/15 Peru earthquake; Effect of radiation pattern on atypical strong motions, Japan Geoscience Union Annual Meeting, S-SS023-21, 2011.5.
Nelson Pulido, Yuji Yagi, Hiroyuki Kumagai and Naoki Nishimura: Rupture process and coseismic deformations of the 27 February 2010 Maule earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Annual Meeting, S-SS035-03, 2011.5.
Shoichi Nakai and Hiroto Nakagawa: Surface wave propagation analysis of a ground with three-dimensional irregularities, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 574-580, 2011. 7 PDF
Diana Calderon, Toru Sekiguchi, Shoichi Nakai, Zenon Aguilar and Fernado Lazares: Joint-inversion of Soil Profile with Receiver Function and Dispersion Curve using Array of Seismometers, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 2584-2588, 2011. 7. PDF
高瀬武史, 翠川三郎, 三浦弘之: GISデータおよび衛星画像を利用した建物分布の把握 - ペルー・リマ市郊外におけるケーススタディ-, 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集, B-2, pp.923-924, 2011.8.
Nelson Pulido, Hernando Tavera, Hugo Perfettini, Mohamed Chlieh, Zenon Aguilar, Shin Aoi, Shoichi Nakai, and Fumio Yamazaki: Estimation of slip scenarios for megathrust earthquakes: A case study for Peru, 4th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium, Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (ESG2011), 2011.8. PDF
Carlos Cuadra; Vulnerability of Adobe-Quincha Buildings Located at Lima Historic Centre, Proceedings of The 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11+), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 September, 2011.9.



Peer Reviewed Papers

Diana Calderon, Toru Sekiguchi, Shoichi Nakai, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares: Study of Soil Amplification based on Microtremor and Seismic Records, Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.12, No.2, 2012.5. PDF
E. Mas, S. Koshimura, A. Suppasri, M. Matsuoka, M. Matsuyama, T. Yoshii, C. Jimenez, F. Yamazaki, and F. Imamura, Developing Tsunami fragility curves using remote sensing and survey data of the 2010 Chilean Tsunami in Dichato, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, European Geosciences Union, 12, 1- 9, doi: 10.5194/nhess-12-1-2012, 2012.8
T. Yoshii, M. Imamura, M. Matsuyama, S. Koshimura, M. Matsuoka, E. Mas and C. Jimenez, Salinity in Soils and Tsunami Deposits in Areas Affected by the 2010 Chile and 2011 Japan Tsunamis, Pure Appl. Geophys., DOI 10.1007/s00024-012-0530-4, 2012.8
松岡昌志,Miguel Estrada: 2007年ペルー地震の被災地を観測したALOS/PALSAR画像による建物被害推定モデルの構築, 日本地震工学会論文集,Vol.12, No.6, pp.36-49, 2012.11
Y. Maruyama, F. Yamazaki, S. Matsuzaki, H. Miura, M. Estrada,  Evaluation of Building Damage and Tsunami Inundation Based on Satellite Images and GIS Data Following the 2010 Chile Earthquake, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 28, No. S1, pp. S165-S178, 2012. 6

Invited Papers and Presentations

Nelson Pulido: Giant earthquakes and strong ground motions in South America, International Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction, Sendai, Japan, 2012.3 PDF
Carlos Zavala: Earthquake engineering research in Peru and SATREPS Project, International Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction, Sendai, Japan, 2012.3 PDF
Fumio Yamazaki: Overview and Progress of SATREPS Peru Project, International Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction, Sendai, Japan, 2012.3 PDF


Conference Papers

Bruno Adriano, Shunichi Koshimura, and Yushiro Fujii: Tsunami Source and Inundation Modeling of the June 2001 Peru Earthquake, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 2061-2065, 2012.3 PDF
Gaku Shoji, Yu Hiraki, and Yoshiyuki Ezura: Evaluation of tsunami fluid force acting on the bridge deck damaged by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake tsunami, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp.2049-2054, 2012.3 PDF
Erick Mas, Fumihiko Imamura and Shunichi Koshimura: An Agent Based Model for the Tsunami Evacuation Simulation. A Case Study of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in Arahama Town, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 1957-1964, 2012.3 PDF
Miguel Estrada, Carlos Zavala, Fernando Lazares and Jorge Morales: GIS Tool for Calculating Repair Cost of Buildings Due to Earthquake Effects, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 1695-1698, 2012.3 PDF
Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, Jorge Morales and Jenny Taira: Loss Estimation on Lima City Using a Retrofitting Cost Estimation Tool, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 1667-1670, 2012.3 PDF
Gaku Shoji and Hirofumi Shimizu: Evaluation of tsunami strengths of houses subjected to a tsunami wave load, Evaluation of tsunami strengths of houses subjected to a tsunami wave load, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp.1277-1283, 2012.3 PDF
Shoichi Nakai and Hiroto Nakagawa: Wave Propagation Analysis of a Ground with Three-Dimensional Irregularities, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 211-216, 2012.3. PDF
Fumio Yamazaki, Shoichi Nakai, Shun’ichi Koshimura, Taiki Saito, Saburoh Midorikawa, Carlos Zavala, Zenon Aguilar, Miguel Estrada and Tadahiro Kishida: Recent Activities of JST-JICA Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Peru, Joint Conference Proceedings 9CUEE / 4ACEE, Tokyo, pp. 101-106, 2012.3 PDF
Saburoh Midorikawa, Hiroyuki Miura and Tomohiro Atsumi: Characteristics of Strong Ground Motion from the 2011 Gigantic Tohoku, Japan Earthquake, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, pp.M4.1-4.8, 2012.8 PDF
N. Pulido, H. Tavera, Z. Aguilar, M. Chlieh, Diana Calderon (CISMID), S. Nakai, T. Sekiguchi, F. Yamazaki, Mega-earthquakes Rupture Scenarios and Strong Motion Simulations for Central Andes, Peru, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-6-2, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
S. Quispe, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, H. Tavera, H. Yamanaka, F. Yamazaki, Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru from Ground Motion Data, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-1-4, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
B. Adriano, S Koshimura, Y.Fujii, Source Inversion and Inundation Modeling Technologies for Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Casestudy: 2001 Peru Tsunami, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-4-1, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
E. Mas, B. Adriano, S Koshimura, Simulation of Evacuation Procedures to Estimate The Loss of LifeDue to Tsunami, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-4-2, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Miguel Estrada, Advances in the Development of GIS Tools for the Evaluation of Seismic Risk, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-4-4, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Z. Aguilar, F.Lazares, S.Alarcon, S. Quispe, R. Uriarte, D. Calderon, Actualizacion De La Microzonificacion Sismica De La Ciudad De Lima, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-6-1, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Luis Moya, Cesar Fajardo, Taiki Saito and Koichi Morita, Experimental Study on Dynamic Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-1-1, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Luis A. Bedrinana and Taiki Saito, Seismic Risk and Damage Cost Evaluation of Base Isolated Buildings, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-2-1, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Cesar Fajardo and Carlos Zavala, Seismic Performance Model of an Important Building in Peru - Evaluation of a Hospital Structure -, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-2-3, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Taiki Saito, Izuru Okawa and Toshihide Kashima, Performance of High-rise Buildings and Seismically Isolated Buildings at the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. M-3, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
Carlos Zavala, Patricia Gibu, Luis Lavado, Jenny Taira, Lourdes Cardenas and Luis Ceferino, Cyclic Behavior of Low Ductility Walls Considering Perpendicular Action, The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Anniversary, Lima, Peru, CD-ROM, Paper No. TS-7-1, p.8, 2012.8 PDF
平野悠輔, 翠川三郎, 三浦弘之: GISデータと衛星画像を利用した建物分布の把 握 その2 ペルー・リマ市郊の中高層住宅地におけるケーススタディ, 日本建築 学会学術講演梗概集, B-2, pp.1187-1188, 2012.9 PDF
佐々木智也,斉藤大樹,楠 浩一,山口真吾,向井智久: 曲げ降伏する耐力壁の協力幅に関する実験的研究(その1:実験概要と実験結果・考察), 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集, 構造W, pp.977-978, 2012.9.
山口真吾,斉藤大樹,楠 浩一,佐々木智也,向井智久: 曲げ降伏する耐力壁の協力幅に関する実験的研究(その2:解析結果), 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集, 構造W, pp.979-980, 2012.9.
プリード ネルソン,エルナンド タベラ,ディアナ カルデロン,セノン アギラール,モハメッド シリエー,関口徹,中井正一,山崎文雄, 中央アンデス・ペルーの超巨大地震の破壊シナリオおよびリマ市の強震動予測, 日本地震学会2012年秋季大会,2012.10
松崎志津子,山崎文雄, 2007 年ペルー地震によるピスコの建物被害と地盤ゾーニング, 日本地震工学会大会−2012梗概集, pp.152-153, 2012.11
Pulido N., H. Tavera, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, M. Chlieh, T. Sekiguchi, S. Nakai, and F. Yamazaki: Mega-earthquakes rupture scenarios in Central Andes and strong motion simulations for Lima, Peru, Abstracts of the Fall meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, B31-13, 2012.10
F. Yamazaki, S. Nakai, T. Kishida, S. Koshimura, T. Saito, S. Midorikawa, C. Zavala, M. Estrada, Z.Aguilar, A. Bisbal, Progress of JST-JICA Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Peru, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.3430, 2012.9 PDF
S. Quispe, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, H. Yamanaka, F. Yamazaki, Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru from Ground Motion Data, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.1184, 2012.9 PDF
D.L. Calderon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Nakai, F. Lazares, Z. Aguilar, Dynamic Characteristics of Soils Estimated Using Microtremors and Seismic Records in Lima Peru, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.4114, 2012.9 PDF
C. Zavala, M. Estrada, F. Lazares, S. Alarcon, J. Taira and J. Morales, Quick Risk Evaluation of Earthquake Losses on Housing, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.3779, 2012.9 PDF
Miguel Estrada, Hiroyuki Miura, Fumio Yamazaki and Saburoh Midorikawa: Evaluation of Social Seismic Vulnerability through High Resolution Satellite Imagery, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.4422, 2012.9 PDF
M. Diaz, K. Kusunoki and A. Tasai, Analytical Study of Residual Seismic Performance by Estimation of Response Reduction Ratio and Equivalent Damping for Aftershocks, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.1950, 2012.9 PDF
C.H. Cuadra, W. Fujisawa and T. Saito, Collapse simulation of unreinforced masonry walls, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.1292, 2012.9 PDF
C.H. Cuadra, T. Saito and C. Zavala, Dynamic characteristics of traditional adobe-quincha buildings in Peru, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No.2653, 2012.9 PDF
Pulido N., H. Tavera, M. Chlieh, Z. Aguilar, D. Calderon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Nakai, and F. Yamazaki: Estimation of slip scenarios of mega-thrust earthquakes and strong motion simulations for Central Andes, Peru, Fall meeting American Geophysical Union (AGU), S33A-2505, 2012.10
E. Mas, B. Adriano, S. Koshimura, F. Imamura, J. Kuroiwa H., F. Yamazaki, C. Zavala, M. Estrada, Evaluation of tsunami evacuation building demand through the multi-agent system simulation of residents’ behavior, Proceedings of International Sessions in Conference on Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 3, pp. 61-65, 2012.11
L. Quiroz, Y. Maruyama, and C. Zavala: Numerical simulation of the cyclic behavior of full-scale thin RC shear walls developed in Peru, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, pp. 445-454, 2012.11
M. Matsuoka and M. Estrada: Earthquake-induced building damage estimation using ALOS/PALSAR observing the 2007 Peru earthquake, Proceedings of the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, PaperID:082, 9p., CD-ROM, 2012.11



Peer Reviewed Papers

F. Yamazaki, C. Zavala, SATREPS Project on Enhancement of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technology in Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 224-234, 2013.3 PDF
N. Pulido, H. Tavera, Z. Aguilar, S. Nakai, F. Yamazaki, Strong Motion Simulation of the M8.0 August 15, 2007, Pisco Earthquake; Effect of a Multi-Frequency Rupture Process, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 235-242, 2013.3 PDF
S. Quispe, H. Yamanaka, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, and H. Tavera, Preliminary Analysis for Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru from Ground Motion Data by Using the Spectral Inversion Method, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 243-251, 2013.3 PDF
D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, T. Sekiguchi, and S.Nakai, Estimation of Deep Shear-Wave Velocity Profiles in Lima, Peru, Using Seismometers Arrays, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 252-258, 2013.3 PDF
T. Sekiguchi, D. Calderon, S. Nakai, Z. Aguilar, and F. Lazares, Evaluation of Surface Soil Amplification for Wide Areas in Lima, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 259-265, 2013.3 PDF
C. Jimenez, N. Moggiano, E. Mas, B. Adriano, S. Koshimura, Y. Fujii, and H. Yanagisawa, Seismic Source of 1746 Callao Earthquake from Tsunami Numerical Modeling, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 266-273, 2013.3 PDF
B. Adriano, E. Mas, S. Koshimura, Y. Fujii, S. Yauri, C. Jimenez, and H. Yanagisawa, Tsunami Inundation Mapping in Lima, for Two Tsunami Source Scenarios, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 274-284, 2013.3 PDF
E. Mas, B. Adriano, and S. Koshimura, An Integrated Simulation of Tsunami Hazard and Human Evacuation in La Punta, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 285-295, 2013.3 PDF
S. Sunley, K. Kusunoki, T. Saito, and C. Zavala, Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Walls, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 296-304, 2013.3 PDF
T. Saito, L. Moya, C. Fajardo, and K. Morita, Experimental Study on Dynamic Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 305-311, 2013.3 PDF
C. Zavala, P. Gibu, L. Lavado, J. Taira, L. Cardenas, and L. Ceferino, Cyclic Behavior of Low Ductility Walls Considering Perpendicular Action, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 312-319, 2013.3 PDF
C. Cuadra, T. Saito, and C. Zavala, Diagnosis for Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Historical Buildings in Lima, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 320-327, 2013.3 PDF
M. Matsuoka, H. Miura, S. Midorikawa, and M. Estrada, Extraction of Urban Information for Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment in Lima, Peru Using Satellite Imagery, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 328-345, 2013.3. PDF
M. Matsuoka and M. Estrada, Development of Earthquake-Induced Building Damage Estimation Model Based on ALOS/PALSAR Observing the 2007 Peru Earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 346-355, 2013.3 PDF
O. Murao, T. Hoshi, M. Estrada, K. Sugiyasu, M. Matsuoka, and F. Yamazaki, Urban Recovery Process in Pisco After the 2007 Peru Earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 356-364, 2013.3 PDF
L. G. Quiroz, Y Maruyama, and C Zavalai, Cyclic behavior of thin RC Peruvian shear walls: Full-scale experimental investigation and numerical simulation, Engineering Structures 52 (2013) 153-167, 2013.7
H. Fukuyama1, M. Fujisawa, A. Abe, T. Kabeyasawa, Z. Shirane, T. Saito, and Z. Aguilar, Shaking Table Test on Seismic Response Properties of “Shicras,” Stones Wrapped in Vegetable Fiber Bags, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 526-533, 2013.6
Mas, E., Adriano, B., Koshimura, S., Imamura, F., Kuroiwa Horiuchi, J., Yamazaki, F., Zavala, C., Estrada, M., Identifying Evacuees Demand of Tsunami Shelters Using Agent Based Simulation. In Y. A. Kontar, V. Santiago-Fandino, & T. Takahashi (Eds.), Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned (pp. 347-358). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_19, 2013.11
Adriano, B., Mas, E., Koshimura, S., Fujii. Y., Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings Using Remote Sensing Analysis and Numerical Modeling in Lima, Peru. In Proceedings of International Sessions in Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.4, 2013.11.
Mas, E., Muhari A., Adriano B., Koshimura S., Imamura F. (2013). Basic Study on the Contribution of Tsunami Multilayer Protection to Tsunami Evacuation and Coastal Community Resilience. In Proceedings of International Sessions in Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.4, 2013.11
C. Gonzales, S. Nakai, T. Sekiguchi, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar and F. Lazares, Estimation of the dynamic properties and seismic response of a populated slope in Lima, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 17-26, 2013.11
松崎志津子,ネルソン プリード,山中浩明,地元孝輔,丸山喜久,山崎文雄, 2007年ペルー・ピスコ地震の調査データに基づく建物被害特性, 地域安全学会論文集, No. 21, pp. 27-36, 2013.11


Conference Papers

H. Miura, S. Midorikawa, and M. Matsuoka: Estimation of urban growth using time-series Landsat satellite images in Lima, Peru, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.179-186, 2013.3 PDF
M. Estrada, M. Matsuoka, and H. Miura: Evaluation of seismic vulnerable areas in Lima city by using satellite information, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.1613-1616, 2013.3 PDF
L. Quiroz and Y. Maruyama: Effect of electro-welded wire mesh on the seismic vulnerability of thin RC shear walls in Lima, Peru, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.769-774, 2013.3 PDF
S. Quispe, H. Yamanaka, F. Lazares, H. Tavera and Z. Aguilar: Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru from Ground Motion Data, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.515-522, 2013.3 PDF
M. A. Diaz, K. Kusunoki and A. Tasai, Residual Seismic Performance of Scaled Three-Story Teel Frames Tested on a Shaking Table Using the Substitute Damping Model, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.1203-1210, 2013.3 PDF
C. Zavala, P. Gibu, L. Lavado, J. Taira, L. Cardenas and L. Ceferino, Low Ductility Concrete Wall Test Considering Perpendicular Wall Action, Proc. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.599-602, 2013.3 PDF
P. Gibu, C. Zavala, R. Proano, L. Lavado and L. Estacio, Building Monitoring Earthquake Response Network in Lima, 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CD-ROM, pp.1691-1684, 2013.3 PDF
鈴木賢太郎,リュウ ウェン,ミゲル エストラーダ,山崎文雄, WorldView-2画像を用いたペルー・タクナ市における建物インベントリ構築手法の検討, 第55回学術講演会論文集,日本リモートセンシング学会,pp.109-110, 2013.11
荒木耕太,翠川三郎,松岡昌志,三浦弘之: GISデータ,衛星画像データおよび現地調査に基づくペルー・リマ市の建物台帳データ推定手法の検討, 日本建築学会学術講演梗概集, B-2, pp.1181-1182, 2013.8
Mas, E., and Koshimura, S., Geospatial simulation of tsunami evacuation using agent-based model. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, JpGU. May 19-24, Yokohama, Japan, 2013.5
F. Yamazaki, W. Liu, E. Mas, S. Koshimura, Development of building height data from high-resolution SAR imagery and building footprint, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, CD-ROM, 7p, 2013.6
K. Suzuki, W. Liu, M. Estrada, F. Yamazaki, Object-based Building Extraction in Tacna, Peru using WorldView-2 Images, Proc. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Bali, Indonesia, CD-ROM, SC02, 1159-1166, 2013.10
Mas, E. and Koshimura, S. Methodologies and Near-futures Perspectives of Integrated Tsunami Inundation and Evacuation Modeling for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation. International Tsunami Symposium 2013, September 25-28, Gocek, Turkey, 2013.9
Adriano, B., Mas, E., Koshimura, S., Application of tsunami fragility functions for building damage assessment: two different approaches. The 9th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, October 28-30, Taiwan, 2013.10
C. Gonzales, S. Nakai, T. Sekiguchi, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar and F. Lazares, A study of the dynamic characteristics of a populated slope in Lima city, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, JAEE, Japan, pp. 21-28, 2013.10



Peer Reviewed Papers

E. Mas, B. Adriano, S. Koshimura, F. Imamura, J. Kuroiwa H., F. Yamazaki, C. Zavala, M. Estrada, Identifying Evacuees’ Demand of Tsunami Shelters Using Agent Based Simulation, Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned: Environmentaland Societal Significance, Chapter 19, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 35, Y.A. Kontar et al. (eds.), DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_19, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, Volume 35, pp 347-358, 2014
L. Quiroz, Y. Maruyama, C. Zavala: Cyclic behavior of Peruvian confined masonry walls and calibration of numerical model using genetic algorithms, Engineering Structures, Vol. 75, pp. 561-576, 2014
F. Yamazaki, C. Zavala, S. Nakai, S. Koshimura, T. Saito, S. Midorikawa, Z. Aguilar, M. Estrada, A. Bisbal Summary report of the SATREPS project on earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation technology in Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.916-924, 2014 PDF
N. Pulido, S. Nakai, H. Yamanaka, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, T. Sekiguchi, Estimation of a source model and strong motion simulation for Tacna city, South Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 925-930, 2014. PDF
S. Quispe, K. Chimoto, H. Yamanaka, H. Tavera, F. Lazares, Z. Aguilar, Estimation of S-Wave Velocity Profiles at Lima city, Peru using Microtremor Arrays, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 931-938, 2014 PDF
D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, S. Alarcon, S. Quispe, Development of a Seismic Microzoning Map for Lima City and Callao, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 939-945, 2014. PDF
C. Gonzales, S. Nakai, T. Sekiguchi, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, F. Lazares, Analysis of Topographic Effects in Dynamic Response of a Typical Rocky Populated Slope in Lima, Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 946-953, 2014 PDF
C. Jimenez, N. Moggiano, E. Mas, B. Adriano, Y. Fujii, S. Koshimura, Tsunami Waveform Inversion of the 2007 Peru (8.1 Mw) Earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 954-960, 2014 PDF
E. Mas, B. Adriano, N. Pulido, C. Jimenez, S. Koshimura, Simulation of tsunami inundation in Central Peru from Future Megathrust Earthquake Scenarios, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 961-967, 2014. PDF
B. Adriano, E. Mas, S. Koshimura, M. Estrada, C. Jimenez, Scenarios of earthquake and tsunami damage probability in Callao Region, Peru using tsunami fragility functions, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 968-975, 2014 PDF
G. Shoji, H. Shimizu, S. Koshimura, M. Estrada, C. Jimenez, Evaluation of Tsunami Wave Loads Acting on Walls of Confined-Masonry-Brick and Concrete-Block Houses, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 976-983, 2014 PDF
S. Sugano, T. Saito, Carlos Zavala, L. Cardenas, Strength and Deformation of Confined Brick Masonry Walls Subjected to Lateral Forces -Review of Existing Test Data in Japan and Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 984-992, 2014 PDF
L. Cardenas, R. Roy, E. Lucio C. Zavala, Implementation of Database of Masonry Walls Test - Review of Existing Test Data in Peru, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 993-1000, 2014. PDF
M. Diaz, P. Gibu, L. Estacio, R. Proano. Implementation of Building Monitoring Network in Peru Under SATREPS Project, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1001-1007, 2014 PDF
T. Matsui, T. Saito, R. Roy, Basic Study on Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Without Boundary Columns Retrofitted by Carbon Fiber Sheets, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1008-1014, 2014 PDF
L. Lavado, J. Taira, J. Gallardo, Current State of Masonry Properties Material on Emerging Zones in Lima City, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1015-1020, 2014 PDF
C. Zavala, L. Lavado, J. Taira, L. Cardenas, M. Diaz, Comparison of Behaviors of Non-Engineered Masonry Tubular Block Walls and Solid Engineered Walls, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1021-1025, 2014.4 PDF
L. Quiroz and Y. Maruyama, Assessment of Seismic Performance of High-Rise Thin RCWall Buildings in Lima, Peru Using Fragility Functions, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1026-1031, 2014. PDF
Masashi Matsuoka, Shun Mito, Saburoh Midorikawa, Hiroyuki Miura, Luis G. Quiroz, Yoshihisa Maruyama, and Miguel Estrada, Development of Building Inventory Data and Earthquake Damage Estimation in Lima, Peru for Future Earthquakes, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1032-1041, 2014 PDF
W. Liu, F. Yamazaki, B. Adriano, E. Mas, S. Koshimura, Development of building height data in Peru from high-resolution SAR imagery, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1042-1049, 2014 PDF
S. Matsuzaki, N. Pulido, Yo. Maruyama, M. Estrada, C. Zavala, F. Yamazaki, Evaluation of seismic vulnerability of buildings based on damage survey data from the 2007 Pisco, Peru earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1050-.8, 2014. PDF
T. Hoshi, O. Murao, K. Yoshino, F. Yamazaki, M. Estrada, Post-disaster urban recovery monitoring in Pisco after the 2007 Peru earthquake using satellite image, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1059-1068, 2014 PDF
H. Kaji, O. Murao, M. Fujioka, H. Kanegae, F. Yamazaki, M. Estrada, A. Bisbal, A simulation model for forecasting urban vulnerability to earthquake disaster in Lima, Peru“LIMA-UVEQ”, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1069-1077, 2014. PDF


Conference Papers

Adriano B., Mas E., Koshimura S., An Integrated GIS-Based Model to Evaluate the Tsunami Vulnerability of Building Using Fragility Function and Tsunami Simulation, In Proceeding of Tohoku Branch of the Japan Society of Civil Engineering. March 8, Hachinohe, Japan, 2014.3
松井智哉,内村恭平,斎藤大樹: 炭素繊維シート補強による鉄筋コンクリート造柱なし壁に関する基礎研究(その1 実験概要および破壊性状), 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集,構造IV,pp.93-94,2014.9
松井智哉,内村恭平,斎藤大樹: 炭素繊維シート補強による鉄筋コンクリート造柱なし壁に関する基礎研究(その2 変形性能と炭素繊維シートのひずみ), 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集,構造IV,pp.95-96,2014.9
三東峻,翠川三郎,松岡昌志,三浦弘之: 開発途上国におけるGISデータ,衛星画像および現地調査を利用した建物台帳データの構築と地震被害予測, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集,構造II, pp.203-204, 2014.9
松井智哉,内村恭平,斉藤大樹,Reyna Salazar Roy Ericksen: 鉄筋コンクリート造柱なし壁の曲げ破壊に対する炭素繊維シート補強に関する基礎研究, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,pp. 816-825, 2014.12
翠川三郎,三東峻,松岡昌志,三浦弘之,Luis G. QUIROZ, 丸山喜久,Miguel ESTRADA: ペルー・リマにおける建物地震被害予測, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.1205-1210, 2014.12
鈴木賢太郎,リュウ ウェン,松岡昌志,山崎文雄: 衛星画像を用いたペルー・タクナ市における地震被害想定のための建物インベントリデータ構築の試み, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.2465-2473, 2014.12
松岡昌志,三浦弘之,翠川三郎,Miguel ESTRADA: ペルー・リマにおけるALOS PRISM衛星画像からの建物高さ情報抽出の試み, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.2474-2482, 2014.12
衛星画像解析を用いた2007年ペルー地震後のピスコにおける建物再建課程, 星知世,村尾修,吉野邦彦,山崎文雄,ミゲル・エストラーダ, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp. 2538-2547, 2014.12
シミュレーションモデルによる地震に対する都市の脆弱性予測-ペルーリマ市を対象にした“LIMA-UVEQ”の開発-, 梶秀樹,村尾修,藤岡正樹,鐘ヶ江秀彦,山崎文雄,ミゲル・エストラダ,アルベルト・ビスバル, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.1211-1220, 2014.12
山崎文雄,中井正一,越村俊一,斉藤大樹,翠川三郎,C. Zavala, Z. Aguilar, M. Estrada, A. Bisbal, ペルーにおける地震・津波減災技術の向上に関するSATREPSプロジェクトの経過と研究成果, 第14回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp. 3528-3537, 2014.12
Pulido, N., S. Nakai, H. Yamanaka, D. Calderon, Z. Aguilar, and T. Sekiguchi, Estimation of a source model and strong motion simulation for a megathrust earthquake in South Peru, Fall meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Niigata, S15-P24, 2014.11
Mas E., Adriano B., Koshimura S., Coastal Community Resilience Through Multilayer Protection and Evacuation Behavior. Ocean Science Meeting 2014, February 23-28, Hawaii, U.S, 2014.2
Mas, E., Koshimura, S., Tsunami inundation and agent based human evacuation modeling for disaster mitigation. In Proceedings of Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE), Sendai, Japan, 2014.4
Mas, E., Adriano, B., Jimenez, C., Koshimura, S. (2014). The great 1746 earthquake ad tsunami in Peru. A historical overview, model and lessons to face the future in Lima. Proceedings of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting (AOGS) , Sapporo, Japan, 2014.7
L. Quiroz, Y. Maruyama: Fragility functions and seismic performance of Peruvian thin RC wall buildings, Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, doi: 10.4231/D3GT5FG28, 2014.7
L. Quiroz, Y. Maruyama: Assessment of performance of Peruvian high-rise thin RC wall buildings using numerical fragility functions, Proceedings of the 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Material Research (ACEM14), Paper No. M4F.3.CC406_728F, 2014.
C. Zavala, L. Lavado, J.Taira, L. Cardenas, M. Diaz, Cyclic behavior of non engineering wall using solid and tubular brick, The 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp. 82-88, 2014.12
M. Estrada, H. Miura, S. Midorikawa, F. Yamazaki, Analysis of optical high resolution satellite imagery for the evaluation of social vulnerability in Lima city, The 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp. 682-689, 2014.12
C. Gonzales, S. Nakai, T. Sekiguchi, D. Calderon, Z.Aguilar, F. Lazares, Analysis of the Dynamic Response of a Populated Slope in Lima, Peru, The 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp. 672-681, 2014.12
N. Pulido, Z. Aguilar, D. Calderon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Nakai, H.Yamanaka, Estimation of source models and strong motion simulation of future megathrust earthquakes: Application to central and south Peru, The 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp. 2831-2840, 2014.12



Peer Reviewed Papers

N. Pulido, Z. Aguilar, H. Tavera, M. Chlieh, D. Calderon, T. Sekiguchi, S. Nakai, and F. Yamazaki, “Scenario source models and strong motion for future mega-earthquakes: Application to Lima, Central Peru,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105 (1), pp. 368-386, doi: 10.1785/0120140098, 2015. PDF
