Photo 1. Opening address of the symposium by Dr. Javier Pique, Dean of UNI |
Photo. 2 Address by Dr. Aurelio Padilla, President of UNI, at Swiss Hotel |
Photo 3. Invited lecture by Dr. Saburo Midorikawa |
Photo 4. Invited lecture by Dr. Yuji Ishiyama |
Photo 5. Invited lecture by Dr. Julio Kuroiwa |
Photo 6. Address by Ambassador M. Fukukawa at the banquet |
Photo 7. Banquet of CISMID 25th Anniversary Symposium |
Photo 8. One scene of the banquet |
Luis Moya (Peru) TS-1-1
Experimental Study on Dynamic Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls
Alfonso Cerna Diaz (Peru) TS-1-2
Yield Strength Approach to Evaluate The Triggering of Liquefaction for Sloping Ground
Wilmer Atoche Diaz (Peru) TS-1-3
Virtual Supply Network to Supply Potable Water, after an Earthquake Outage
Selene Quispe (Peru) TS-1-4
Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru from Ground Motion Data
Luis Bedrinana (Peru) TS-2-1
Seismic Risk and Damage Cost Evaluation of Base Isolated Buildings
Matias A. Hube (Chile) TS-2-2
Capacity Evaluation of Steel Stoppers of Reinforced Concrete Chilean Bridges
Cesar Fajardo (Peru) TS-2-3
Seismic Performance Model of an Important Building in Peru - Evaluation of a Hospital Structure
Karina Carbajal & Carlos Matos (Peru) TS-3-1
Capacity Evaluation of Steel Stoppers of Reinforced Concrete Chilean Bridges
Abel Ordonez (Peru) TS-3-2
Fundamentals of The Effects of Earthquakes on The Ground and Structures
Diana Calderon (Peru) TS-3-3
Correlation Equations in The Estimation of The Seismic Amplification in Lima
Fernando Lazares (Peru) TS-3-4
Estimation of Seismic Amplification Factor for Peruvian Earthquakes
Hernando Tavera (Peru) TS-3-5
Satellital Seismic Network of Peru And its Aplications in Tsunami Alert
Shoichi Nakai (Japon) M-1
Damage Due to Liquefaction During The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Bruno Adriano (Japon) TS-4-1
Source Inversion and Inundation Modeling Technologies for Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Case Study: 2001 Peru Tsunami
Erick Mas (Japon) TS-4-2
Simulation of Evacuation Procedures to Estimate The Loss of Life Due to Tsunami
Carlos Cuadra (Japon) TS-4-3
Behavior of RC Structures Under Tsunami Triggered by The Great East Japan Earthquake
Miguel Estrada (Peru) TS-4-4
Advances in The Development of GIStools for The Evaluation of Seismic Risk
Javier Gaviola (Peru) TS-4-5
Functions and Emergency Protocols of DHN
Alberto Bisbal (Peru) TS-5-1
Sinagerd Initiatives for Risk Management on Lima City
Adolfo Galvez (Peru) TS-5-2
Housing Bubble (Near or Far Away?)
Andreas Maurial (Alemania) TS-5-3
Masonry Walls under Combinend Loads - Boundary Condition in Common Buildings and Proposed Test Method
Ruben Boroschek (Chile) M-2
Seismic Response of Isolated Structures Subjected oo Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
Taiki Saito (Japon) M-3
Performance of High-Rise Buildings and Seismically Isolated Buildings at The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Zenon Aguilar (Peru) TS-6-1
Study Update of Seismic Microzonification of Lima
Saboroh Midorikawa (Japon) M-4
Characteristics of Strong Ground Motion From The 2011 Gigantic Tohoku, Japan Earthquake
Nelson Pulido (Japon) TS-6-2
Mega-Earthquakes Rupture Scenarios and Strong Motion Simulations for Lima, Peru
Jorge Alva (Peru) TS-6-3
Review of Study of Seismic Hazard in Peru
Fumio Yamazaki (Japon) M-5
Detection of Crustal Movements in The 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake Using High-Resolution Sar Data
Carlos Zavala (Peru) TS-7-1
Ciclic Behavior of Low Ductility Walls Considering Perpendicular Action
Javier Pique (Peru) TS-7-2
State of The Art of The Next Generation of Earthquake Design Peruvian Standards
Yuji Ishiyama (Japon) M-6
Earthquake Damage and Seismic Code for Buildings in Japan
Julio Kuroiwa (Peru) M-7
Japanese Science and Technology Contributions on Disaster Risk Management in Peru