International Symposium - SATREPS Project
Plaza el Olivar Room - Sonesta Hotal El Olivar
The International Conference of SATREPS Project was held on 15th of March, 2013
in Lima with the attendance of many guests over 200. Representatives from APCI,
Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru, JST Washington DC
office, JICA Peru office and Ambassador Masahiro Fukukawa of Japan made opening and closing addresses as well as presentations by SATREPS researchers from Japan and Peru.
Activities Report:
This symposium was broadcasted by an internet TV network throughout Peru.
See the detailed information here
Openning Ceremony |
Miguel Estrada, Director - CISMID
Javier Pique, Dean - Faculty of Civil Engineering - UNI
Masahiro Fukukawa, Japanese Ambassador in Peru
Progress of SATREPS-Peru project
Carlos Zavala, PI- SATREPS Peruvian side
Recent research output by the project
Fumio Yamazaki, PI- SATREPS Japanese side
Technical Sessions by Group |
16:05-16:30 Presentation Group 1
Chairman: Shoichi Nakai (Chiba University)
Seismic source model and strong ground motion simulation in Peru
Nelson Pulido (NIED)
Comparison of direct and indirect geophysical methods to obtain soil profiles for Lima City
Zenon Aguilar (CISMID)
16:30-16:55 Presentation Group 2
Chairman: Cmte. Atilio Aste (DHN)
Tsunami innundation and evacuation simulation in Callao
Shuichi Koshimura (Tohoku University)
Remarks on seismic and tsunami hazard in Peru
Ronald Woodman (IGP)
17:10-17:25 Presentation Group 3
Chairman: Carlos Zavala (CISMID)
Evaluation of seismic resistance of buildings in Peru
Taiki Saito (Toyohashi University of Technology)
17:25-17:40 Presentation Group 4
Chairman: Masashi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Urban inventory from satellite imagery to be used in seismic risk assesment
Miguel Estrada (CISMID)
17:40-18:10 Presentation Group 5
Chairman: Hideki Kanegae (Ritsumeikan University)
Dissemination of Information and awareness activities in disaster risk management
Alberto Bisbal (INDECI)
Observation of reconstruction process in Pisco, Peru
Osamu Murao (Tsukuba University)
Final technical remarks
Hideki Kaji (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Closing Ceremony |
Luis Olivera Cardenas, Executive Director - APCI
Takashi Ohama, JST - Washington Office
Takayuki Kondo, Deputy Resident Representative - JICA Lima Office
Ricardo Vidal Nunez, Vice Minister - Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation
Aurelio Padilla, President - UNI

photo 1. Openning Ceremony Prof.Pique, Mr.Fukukawa, Prof.Yamazaki |
photo 2. Presentation by Prof.Zavala |
photo 3. At the Symposium |
photo 4. Interview |
photo 5. Presentation by Prof.Murao |
photo 6. Presentation by Dr.Woodman |
photo 7. Presentation by Prof.Saito |
photo 8. Closing Ceremony |