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Interview for Carlos and Rocio from JICA Tokyo

May 17, 2011 (Tue)

Chiba University

Mr. Inoue from JICA Tokyo came to Chiba University to take an interveiw from Carlos and Rocio.

Interview for Prof. Nakai and Sekiguchi
Inoue: Is Peru a seismic active country similar to Japan?
Nakai: Yes. Earthquake disaster is a big issue and it is very high priority in Peru.
Inoue: What is microzonation?
Nakai: Soil conditions affect on the seismic shaking. So we reflect those into earthquake hazard map.
Inoue: What is a difficulty in doing the project?
Nakai: Boring data is very limited in Peru. We combine microtremor measurements and earthquake records to estimate soil profiles at the study area.
Inoue: Which city are you studying now?
Nakai: City of Lima and Tacna are mainly studied. I expect Carlos, Rocio and other engineers can investigate all the area in Peru in a future.
Inoue: Will Carlos and Rocio do research for damages after Tohoku Earthquake?
Nakai: We did the research at Urayasu for liquefaction damages.We will combine those data with reclamation history by using GIS.

Interview for Carlos and Rocio
Inoue: Have you experienced this type of earthquake in Peru?
Carlos: We had an earthquake at 2007 in Pisco, and did the liquefaction study there.
Inoue: Are you comfortable to come to Japan after this earthquake?
Rocio: Since we had enough information from Prof. Sekiguchi and Diana, we are very comfortable to come here.
Inoue: Do you have any specific goal during this training?
Carlos: Soil profile information is very limited in Peru. So microtremor is a very efficient technology in Peru.
Rocio: We are coming form UNI and have a responsibility to teach these technologies to Peruvian engineers in a future.
Inoue: Do you have any advice for a newly coming trainee from JICA?
Carlos: It is very good opportunity. We really appreciate JICA for giving us such a precious experience.


開会挨拶 Pulido氏
Photo 1. Interview for Prof. Nakai and Sekiguchi Photo 2. Interview for Carlos and Rocio
Jimenez氏 八木先生
Photo 3. Prof. Sekiguchi and Diana Photo 4. Carlos and Rocio
Yamin氏 会場前での集合写真
Photo 5. Explanation for Reconaissance Work at Urayasu Photo 6. Data Aquisition from Seismometer
