Science and Tecnology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

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Seminar on Earthquake Mechanism and Tsunami Propagation

August 23, 2010 (Mon) 〜 August 27, 2010 (Fri)


Yuji Yagi (Tsukuba University)
Hideaki Yanagisawa (Tokyo Electric Power Services)
Doris Ueneros Calderon (CISMID)
Roy Erickson Reyna Salazar (CISMID)
Leonidas C. Ochoa A(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
Cesar Omar Jimenez Tintaya (DHN)
Erick Ortega Rafael (DHN)
Nabilt Jill Moggaino Aburto (DHN)
Hernando Tavera (IGP)
Sheila Yaouri Cundo (IGP)

Workshops for Earthquake Mechanism and Tsunami Propagation were hold at CISMID from August 23 to 27, 2010. Prof. Yagi and Dr. Yanagisawa lectured on the theoretical background of earthquake and tsunami mechanism and applications of the numerical softwares developed in Japan.
Prof. Yagi had a public lecture on August 27th at main campus of UNI. Many people attended his lecture showing the strong interests in the Earthquake and Tsunami disasters in Peru.

Seminar Photos

セミナーの様子 セミナーの様子
Photo 1. Seminar by Prof. Yagi Photo 2. Seminar by Dr. Yanagisawa
開会式の様子 セミナーの様子
Photo. 3 Seminar Snapshot Photo. 4 Seminar Snapshot
開会式の様子 会場前での集合写真
Photo. 5 Seminar Photo Photo. 6 Snaphot at Open Seminar
