International Symposium on Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Response

トップ Top > プログラム Program

Program  プログラム

12:45-13:25  Registration  受付    4F Theater

  参加費のお支払い  Registration Fee
  若手:  6,000円 ∗20歳代の方(Under 29 years old)お釣りの要らないようご協力ください

13:30-14:45  Invited Lectures  招待講演    4F Theater

MC: Yoshihisa Maruyama

13:30-13:35Opening Remarks
13:35-13:55Pennung Warnitchai (Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
"Design of Tall Buildings Against the Effects of Long-Period Ground Motions"
13:55-14:10Carlos Zavala (Director, UNI-CISMID, Peru)
"Improvement of Building Technologies in Peru with Japanese Technical Collaboration
14:10-14:25Miguel Estrada (Executive President, SENCICO, Peru)
"New Perspective of SENCICO to Increase the City Earthquake Resilience Through Technical Training"
14:25-14:45Ronald T. Eguchi (President & CEO, ImageCat, Inc., USA)
"US-Japan Collaboration in the Field of Disaster Management: A Personal History with F. Yamazaki"

14:45-15:15  Break

15:15-16:30  Keynote Lecture  退職記念講演    4F Theater

15:15-16:30Fumio Yamazaki (Professor, Chiba University, Japan)
"My 41-years along with Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research"
16:30-16:45Group Photo, Closing

17:15-19:30  Reception Party  懇親会    4F Next 1

MC: Masashi Matsuoka & Wen Liu

Buffet Style(Open at 16:50-)

∗懇親会からご参加の方は 16:50-17:05 に受付をお願いします
