Briefing on 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami
May 20, 2010 (Thr) 15:00〜17:50
Campus Innovation Center in Tamachi, 1st Floor International Conference Room
3-3-6, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo(1 min from JR Tamachi Station East Entrance)map
Registration Fee:
A briefing on the 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami was organized by JST-JICA SATREPS on May, 20, 2010 at Campus Innovation Center in Tamachi. The opening address was made by Yoshinori Suzuki from the Ministry of Education in Japan. Then, Keiko Hasegawa from JST introduced the SATREPS program which was hosting the briefing on 2010 Chile Earthquake. The experts reported the field survey results on the 2010 Chile Earthquake and discussed on the earthquake damages in Chile.
Meeting Snap Shot:

Chair: Manabu Shoji(Tsukuba University),Masashi Matsuoka(Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)