Kick-off Meeting
Date June 10, 2010 (Wed), 13:00〜17:20
Location: Campus Inovation Center in Tamachi, 2nd Floor
Fumio Yamazaki, Kimi Muraki, Toru Sekiguchi, Yoshinobu Maruyama (Chiba University)
Saburo Midorikawa, Hideki Kaji, Hiroaki Nakayama, Hiroyuki Miura (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Hidehiko Kanegae (Ritsumeikan University), Shunichi Koshimura (Tohoku University)
Carlos Cuadra (Akita Prefecture University), Manabu Shoji (Tsukuba University), Masashi Matsuoka (Industorail Technology Institute)
Shunsuke Kanno, Taiki Saito, Hiroshi Arai, Yoshiro Fujii (Building Research Institute),
Nelson Pulido(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention),Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada(CISMID,UNI)
Ichiro Sato (JICA), Koichi Tsukioka, Fumie Imabayashi (JST), Akio Abe (Tokyo Soil Resaerch)
Shizuko Matsuzaki, Diana Calderon(Chiba University)
- Dr. Zavala and Dr. Estrada stated the opening address by joining the meeting over the internet.
- Each group had the individual meeting to reach the consensus of the scope of work.
- A general meeting was assembled to discuss the global scope of work.
- JICA and JST stated the final goal of this project.
- Meeting was closed with deciding to send the experts to perform the field survey during the coming August.
Meeting Snap Shot:
